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New Jersey Real Estate Salesperson Practice Exam

The Best Real Estate Practice Exams Available Online

Passing your New Jersey real estate exam is easy to do when you are fully prepared. We can help you with that. Our New Jersey real estate practice exam gives you the most up to date national and state specific practice questions you need to study and prepare for the exam that is going to change your career. You can't just focus on your textbook. You need a reliable practice exam designed to provide you with specific information based on the actual test.

Gain instant access to our NJ real estate practice exam today and begin studying for the national and state test. Our New Jersey real estate guide is mobile friendly and comes with the capability of saving the progress of your practice test and resuming it at any time to your convenience.

  • 200+ Practice Questions

    Our comprehensive database of real estate questions are prepared by industry experts.

  • Test-Taking Techniques

    We'll give you the inside scoop on how to remain cool and still ace this test.

  • Real Estate Math Prep Guide

    Even if math wasn't your strong suit in school, we'll help you to perfect your real estate math skills.

  • Real Estate Math Prep Exam

    Let us give you tips and tricks for doing well on even the most challenging test questions.

Are You Ready?

Are you ready to pass your New Jersey real estate exam? When you purchase any one of our state packages you will get immediate access to all of our testing materials, so that you can start preparing for your exam right away! Take the prep exams with you on your smartphone or tablet, available on any device with internet connection.

Focus on Important Questions

Our New Jersey Real Estate Guide is packed full of useful information and hands-on tips you can apply today to begin studying. All questions are prepared by people who know the industry and New Jersey real estate laws. Our guide will help you understand all the subject that are on the state exam.

Take a Sample Quiz

When you feel you're ready, take full advantage of our sample test below. And if you're still undecided, remember that all purchases are protected by our Exam Pass Guarantee. If after taking our practice tests you don't pass your Real Estate test you are entitled to a full refund.

New Jersey Real Estate Salesperson License Requirements

  • 18 years of age or older
  • High school diploma or equivalency
  • Complete 75 hours of pre-licensing course at a licensed school
  • Pass the license examination
  • The Commission must be satisfied with your honesty, trustworthiness, character and integrity

New Jersey Real Estate Broker License Requirements

  • 18 years of age or older
  • High school diploma or equivalency
  • 90-hour general real estate course and 2, 30-hour courses in Agency/Ethics and Office Management
  • 3 years of prior real estate sales person experience immediately prior to becoming a broker.
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New Jersey Sample Practice Exam

New Jersey Has Reciprocal Agreements With:

Anyone holding licenses from any of these states may apply for a reciprocal license, and may be able to forego some classroom work and other requirements.

  • None
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