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California Real Estate Salesperson Practice Exam

The Best Real Estate Practice Exams Available Online

The career you've dreamed about in real estate is nearly at your fingertips. When you are ready to take your California real estate exam, start with our California real estate practice exam. You'll be able to download our guide and use it on your smartphone, tablet, or other device with an Internet connection.

Once you have our California Real Estate practice exam in hand, you can read along and test yourself on the key questions asked on this very comprehensive exam. This is one of the best ways to study because you are getting in-depth prep designed to help you with the California test. It's better than using your textbook. Our practice test will help you gain knowledge on what's really on the actual California national and state exam.

This is a fantastic way to gain the confidence you need to test your level of experience and understanding in all areas of real estate that the test will ask of you. Our test prep tools are exceptional!

  • 200+ Practice Questions

    Our comprehensive database of real estate questions are prepared by industry experts.

  • Test-Taking Techniques

    We'll give you the inside scoop on how to remain cool and still ace this test.

  • Real Estate Math Prep Guide

    Even if math wasn't your strong suit in school, we'll help you to perfect your real estate math skills.

  • Real Estate Math Prep Exam

    Let us give you tips and tricks for doing well on even the most challenging test questions.

Are You Ready?

Are you ready to pass your California real estate exam? When you purchase any one of our state packages you will get immediate access to all of our testing materials, so that you can start preparing for your exam right away! Take the prep exams with you on your smartphone or tablet, available on any device with internet connection.

Focus on Important Questions

Our California Real Estate Guide is packed full of useful information and hands-on tips you can apply today to begin studying. All questions are prepared by people who know the industry and California real estate laws. Our guide will help you understand all the subject that are on the state exam.

Take a Sample Quiz

When you feel you're ready, take full advantage of our sample test below. And if you're still undecided, remember that all purchases are protected by our Exam Pass Guarantee. If after taking our practice tests you don't pass your Real Estate test you are entitled to a full refund.

California Real Estate Salesperson License Requirements

  • The applicant must provide proof that they are a legal resident of the United States
  • The applicant must provide proof that they are honest and truthful.
  • Conviction of a crime can result in the denial of a license.
  • Fingerprints and a $56 fingerprinting fee are part of the application for the real estate exam.
  • No experience is required for applying for a real estate salesperson license; however, the following educational requirements need to be met.
  • Three real estate courses, as specified by the Department of Real Estate, must be completed either before taking the examination or within 18 months afterwards.

California Real Estate Broker License Requirements

  • The applicant must be at least 18 years of age
  • The applicant must provide proof of legal residence.
  • Residency in California is not required in order to hold a California real estate license. However, California does not have a reciprocity agreement with any other state to allow a waiver of any of the requirements.
  • Out-of-state residents must file a Consent to Service of Process (RE 234) with the Department of Real Estate, and also provide fingerprints and the $56 fingerprint fee.
  • An applicant with a four-year degree from an accredited college may be exempt from the two-year salesperson experience requirement. This may be verified by submitting either a copy of the diploma or transcript showing the degree earned. Regardless of the degree, the applicant must show evidence (transcripts) of having completed the eight required college-level courses at the time of filing the application. The eight required courses, which is considered the equivalent of a minor in Real Estate, may be part of the degree requirements or they may be completed separately from the degree course work.
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California Has Reciprocal Agreements With:

Anyone holding licenses from any of these states may apply for a reciprocal license, and may be able to forego some classroom work and other requirements.

Applicants from all other states must file an Out-of-State Broker Acknowledgment (RE 235)
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