Real estate practice exam was created with the sole intention of helping individuals pass their real estate test on their 1st attempt. Our practice exams are created from highly skilled and respected real estate instructors with inside knowledge on the most relevant questions to help you pass the exam. With a success rate of over 97% we are certain you will pass and if not, you can take full advantage of our 100% money back guarantee. Simply email us with a picture of your test results and get refunded on the same day.

  • 200+ Practice Questions

    Our comprehensive database of real estate questions are prepared by industry experts.

  • Test-Taking Techniques

    We'll give you the inside scoop on how to remain cool and still ace this test.

  • Real Estate Math Prep Guide

    Even if math wasn't your strong suit in school, we'll help you to perfect your real estate math skills.

  • Real Estate Math Prep Exam

    Let us give you tips and tricks for doing well on even the most challenging test questions.

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Focus on Important Questions

Our Real Estate Guide is packed full of useful information and hands-on tips you can apply today to begin studying. All questions are prepared by people who know the industry and real estate laws. Our guide will help you understand all the subject that are on the state exam.

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When you feel you're ready, take full advantage of our sample test below. And if you're still undecided, remember that all purchases are protected by our Exam Pass Guarantee. If after taking our practice tests you don't pass your Real Estate test you are entitled to a full refund.